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The next regularly scheduled PTMA meeting will be held at the PTMA office on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. An agenda has been posted.
We are pleased to present to you this year's Annual Consumer Confidence Report. This report is designed to inform you about the quality of water and services that we deliver to you each day. We are happy to report that our drinking water meets all federal and state requirements set forth by the Safe Water Drinking Act.
It has become very difficult for the PTMA Water Operators to read some of our customer's water meters due to overgrown shrubs and bushes located in front of the water meter touch pads. A water meter touch pad is a black oval plastic pad attached to the exterior of the building, which allows PTMA operators to read the water meter without entering the home or business. PTMA operators must be able to easily access all water meter touch pads. Please be sure that the water meter touch pad, located on the exterior of your home or business, is easily accessible and clear of bushes, shrubs or debris.
The Penn Township Municipal Authority has issued a warning to our sewer customers to not create “fatberg blockages.” Fatbergs are the product of fat and non-biodegradable matter such as wipes and paper towels, which do not break down. By using these non-biodegradable products for toilet paper and flushing them into the sewer system it causes "fatbergs," which can block sewer lines. This may require response from municipal personnel, pumping contractors, and traffic control; and, it can ultimately create a condition of pollution and remediation cleanup. Many wipes are labeled flushable; however, they are not biodegradable. Please be advised only the 3Ps should be flushed down the toilet – Poo, Pee and (toilet) Paper.
We remind our customers that the disposal of household cleaning wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.), baby wipes, flushable cleansing wipes, cat litter (flushable and non-flushable), cooking greases, oils, or fats into the PTMA sewer system is prohibited. Do NOT dispose of these items via your drains, toilets or garbage disposals even if the packaging states the product is flushable!